Tom Wallace- Trader Joes.

Corona Diaries

Tom use to be a business man who flew around the world for work. 10 years ago he decided this was not making him happy so he quit and has been working ( happily) at Trader Joes ever since.

What are your responsibilities at Trader Joes and how long have you been there?

I’ve been with TJ’s for 8 years on and off (twice). We all basically do everything. We have a daily log with assignments that change hourly. There’s no set responsibility that you’re boxed into and everyone knows how to do each other’s job and most importantly help each other.

If a long time have the people working there become like a second family?  

Absolutely! It’s definitely a family, with those you get along amazing with and others you’re not overly close with, but still love. In light of recent events, we have all become more aware of how important it is to be there for one another and to support each other. 

How is Trader Joes handling the work environment during this pandemic? Do you feel like they are doing every thing they can to keep you and their other employees safe?

Our store is lucky to have an amazing Captain (manager) who wants us to feel comfortable being there and is constantly looking out for our well being. He gets it and would never put pressure on any of us to come to work should we choose not to. He has encouraged us from the start of all this to take whatever time we need. I do believe TJ’s is taking every precaution they can to keep us safe. We meet daily to discuss any updates or changes. They have been very forthcoming about how they are managing the constant changes. 

Do you resent having to go to work? If you could would you stay home and self isolate?Would your job be safe and for how long if you did? 

I don’t resent having to go to work at all. This in part to my knowing it’s ok not to be there as well. I’m not a home body type of person, self isolation at home scares me more than the virus. Yes, I would definitely have a job should I have to stay home. TJ’s is being incredibly accommodating to any of us who can not or do not want to be there during this time. I have no concerns of losing my job. 

How are the customers being during this pandemic?

For the most part, my experiences have been good. We have had those customers who’ve provided us with plenty of stories on how not to act during a pandemic. I send them off with a little blessing like water off a ducks back. 

By carrying on working at a grocery store during this pandemic you are being referred to as brave and heroic front liners. In response to this one store worker replied ‘that is a joke we are not hero’s we just have no choice.”   It’s either work and get paid and be able to pay the rent or isolate, be safe but penniless. How do you feel about this?

I’m definitely no hero for simply doing my job. I’m not comfortable with this at all. That term should solely be reserved for those working directly with the sick and elderly in hospitals and assisted living centers. I’m just doing the same job I’ve been doing for 8 years. My ability to be out there doesn’t make me any better than those who aren’t. It’s the same job I’ll have when we get past this. I’m fortunate to have a job during this, and I do understand those that feel they have no choice. 

What does a typical day look like now at Trader Joes? How different is it from the pre-pandemic days?

Oh it’s definitely different to say the least. Nowadays, all our focus is mostly directed at the front end of the store. Our priority has become getting as many customers out the door quickly so those waiting in line can get in. Then there’s the constant cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. 

How have your anxiety levels changed as the weeks have gone on? 

I never really had much anxiety prior to all this, but that has certainly changed. I’m definitely experiencing anxiety on some level everyday now. So far I’ve been lucky to push through it and carry on. 

Are you able to enjoy your days off, what do you do?

Honestly, my days off just don’t feel the same as they used to. I don’t like the feeling that should I want to go out, I really can’t. I mean, the social interactions we all had before this. I’m a very socially active person who loves to go out frequently so it’s been a difficult reality to embrace. I’m currently keeping busy by learning to speak Spanish as a surprise wedding present for my soon to be husband. Our wedding is scheduled for October this year in Puerto Rico, which may not happen as we had planned. However, we’re completely ok with this. We’re still getting married either way.

What frightens you the most about this, do you have ways of calming yourself?

What frightens me is how this is all being handled politically. I used to be very tuned in to current news and events. However, I’ve put limits on my news input sorta as a calming effect.

Have you managed to find any silver linings?

The silver lining is that we will get past this (most of us). It’s going to take longer than most accept to believe. 

People are saying this is a time for real change both personally and worldly. Do you agree and if so how, at this early stage, do you see and/or hope your life will change from this?

I want more people see that we must resolve this divide our country has been subjected too. I don’t just want my life to change, I want this for everyone. People need to see that most of the things we thought mattered really don’t. My hope is that this connects us more to appreciate one another better than we had, take care to be less wasteful and more sustainable, also to be more mindful to the realization that tomorrow is not promised so make today matter. 

Are there any conspiracy theories you subscribe to?

There are enough real conspiracies already happening in our present government to prescribe to any possible theories. Our President is sending supportive messages to quarantine protesters and pushing for unproven medical treatments. 

If you were president what would you have done differently?


Using the color chart below please tell me in general what colors you are feeling. It can be a whole rainbow if you want or just one…!  And please add any colors with feelings that have not been included.

Red- angry    

Yellow- scared

Green- inspired, this is giving you time to reflect and/or create

Blue- sad/depressed 

Pink- happy. You see and focus on the silver linings.

black- doomed this is hard

cream- you feel no difference

orange- over whelmed

Green because this has inspired me to finally learn Spanish. Pink because I try every day to make my fellow coworkers laugh with my very Gay witty personality.


Odile Gilbert- Hair stylist.


Aya Kanai- Editor-in-chief Marie Claire magazine