She’ll finish writing when….

Flowers and feelings

She’ll finish her writing after she has taken the kids to the dentist, she thought, that still gave her most of the day.

She’ll finish her writing after she has gone food shopping and fed the kids lunch, she thought, that still gave her the whole afternoon.

She’ll finish her writing after she has watched the dance the kids made up, she thought, that still gave her most of the afternoon.

She’ll finish her writing after she has done the work that suddenly needed to be sent by end of day, she thought, that still gave her half the afternoon.

She’ll finish her writing after she has helped her daughter with the school project that was sent home, the kind of project that parents end up having to do most of, she thought, that still gave her late afternoon.

She’ll finish her writing after she has cooked dinner, she thought, that still gave her early evening.

She’ll finish her writing after the kids bath time, she thought, that still gave her some of the evening.

She’ll finish writing after she has put the kids to bed and folded the laundry, she thought, that still gave her late evening.

She’ll finish her writing…….tomorrow.


Con-man loves a free cocktail.


Crossing time lines.