Be like water, right?

The flowers we feel

There’s a saying isn’t there, “Be like water, “ or something to that effect, where it is implied you should adjust to a situation, a blockage and find a way. Water intuitively knows where it needs to go, gravity helping to pull it to its intended destiny, forcing the water to apply whatever tactic necessary to get there. Likewise, it is suggested that this is how we should live our lives, with a marked determination to find a way no matter what.

But this morning as she was staring at the plump stream rushing past, it struck her that the only reason it was able to get past all the obstacles was because of what was pushing it along from behind. It was the momentum and strength of all that was to come that propelled it forward. If it didn’t have that “support” or motion to help it go around, over, through, or under, wouldn’t it simply stop, run out and sink into the sand below? Isn’t that then the same for the humans who are so recklessly told to be like water, or some such privileged nonsense? If they don’t have a raging energy behind them, or a support system pushing them forward, why should it be assumed they could be able to urge themselves around a problem rather than forsaking all other options and melting into the ground beneath their feet?

It was a thought that she felt quite strongly about before moving on to the next.


Gin and bad language.