Are you C.I.A.

Flowers and Feelings

Many of the people she meets these days she thinks are possibly part of the CIA and are befriending her for counter espionage purposes! It would be one thing to be this paranoid if she was a radical activist or involved in some dodgy underground dealings, but she is as vanilla as they come, going so far as returning to supermarkets if the cashier forgets to ring some thing up in her trolley.

There was a very nice couple she once met on the side lines of rec-soccer.  Both of their kids were roughly the same age as hers, one of them even going to the same pre-k as her youngest. Co-incidence? Their dad coached one of the soccer teams while mom cheered from the side lines. They both held down good jobs, juggled kids, life and work as much as anyone else.  Doughy and slumped in all the right places they were as American pie as they come and it terrified the shit out of her.


Zen bathrooms.


She wished she still smoked cigarettes.